Our Newborn! And Hospital Food and Thinking Outside of the (Lunch)box

We've added a limb to our family tree! ​Our daughter was born early Sunday morning and we couldn't be happier!

Naturally, the only time you ever want to be in a hospital is for a joyous occasion like this but even then, I think we can all agree that hospital food sucks. And somehow, the way the smells linger in the air (even when you politely decline the food service tray) makes the whole thing that much worse. 

Feed a Hungry Mama!​

Feed a Hungry Mama!​

In the newborn haze of sheer exhaustion and utter delight, I realized how LaLa Lunchbox can help me. First thing's first -- I created a new lunchbox called "Newborn Nibbles" and chose a monster and a color (I'm fond of that brown one-eyed monster with the antlers). Then I thought about what I might want for breakfast, lunch and dinner and added the foods that I was craving (no photo immediately available for the two new entries). I sent a text to my husband – who was taking my other two kids to school before coming to me – saying "Aha moment! Just planned my meals for today with LaLa Lunchbox. Would you please click "sync now" and bring those foods? Can't bear the thought of hospital food."  The day's worth of food that I had "packed" was instantly updated into his grocery list. 

My husband - my awesome husband - came through like a champ. The rigors of parenthood really do call for satisfying meals - even if that happens to be in a hospital bed. Some of it veered from my usual choices but hey, I just gave birth. And just because I don't take a packed lunch to school, who's to say that I shouldn't have the ease and convenience of planning and packing my own meals with LaLa Lunchbox? ​

A special note to anyone who has occasion to visit the Time Warner Center or be near Rockefeller Center​ -- the ham and cheese baguette from @Chef_Keller's Bouchon Bakery is consistently delightful. Trust me on this one.